PLEASE NOTE: is intended to be a FUN SITE, sharing CROW stories, a reason to expand our CrowART, share CROW mini muffin recipes, and add a dash of NONSENSE throughout this site and other social media. Using our Lucky CROW Lotto Number Generator is meant for people of legal age to play lotteries. If you win the LOTTO using our Lucky CROW Lotto Number Generator, it would be bad KARMA NOT to buy 10 pounds or 5 KG of peanuts and feed them to the CROWS found just about anywhere. All CROWS shown or mentioned on this site have NOT been harmed and are compensated for the use of their likeness. If you would like to sponsor a Crow ART postcard / greeting card, contact Ric Wallace. I have visited many ART galleries and have found there are many people creating works of Art of CROWS or including them in their works of art. I was surprised the domain was never registered in CANADA. With a few clicks of the mouse the empire was started by Ric Wallace. He sees things others do not as he was the first to register,, and many other Internet domains.
This site was inspired by the CROWS at White Rock Beach, British Columbia Canada. This first started while looking for mini white rocks – a unique souvenir for tourists – in front of the BIG 486 ton White Rock found on the beach on the edge of Semiahmoo Bay.
We were looking to see if we could find some mini WHITE pebbles to MAYBE market as souvenirs. My wife was moving stones with her foot and walking forward. She had the feeling she was being followed and turned around to surprise a CROW following in her footsteps trying to figure out what she was finding. The crow STOPPED and he turned around to see if someone was following him. This was the event that brought a like for the dark side – CROWS.
Through the use of Instagram, there are people around the globe who feed, love and are under the spell of CROWS. A portion of CROW STUFF profits does get reinvested in peanuts to feed CROWS and any squirrels we see.
Other experiences with these INTELLIGENT BIRDS has led to the creation of this site and a bunch of CROW STUFF. Because of laws about removing stones from government-owned property – shoreline, we opted to purchase white stones from a garden supply place to be legal. Since then, Ric Wallace has produced crow postcards, greeting cards, magnets, canvas prints, photo prints and framed crow portraits like the one of Edgar Allen CROW shown below. Being an ARTIST selling postcards, greeting cards, magnets, photos, etc Ric has found there are many CROW lovers and many people who do NOT like CROWS. This site & Ric’s efforts are catering to those people who like CROWS, although he jokes his “Happy Birthday from one old Crow to another” could be given to people who like or do not like CROWS.This framed 8″x 8″ print of Edgar Allen Crow in a 12″ x 12″ black aluminum frame is $125 all taxes included.

Old, torn and sometimes photos in two or more pieces can be restored to their original state or better. Ric Wallace does a high resolution scan from your original image and electronically uses a computer to do the retouching and corrections. High quality photographic prints can be obtained from the computer file. The computer file can be supplied on CD/ DVD, USB, or downloaded from the internet to ensure exact copies can be made for years to come, with no loss in quality like prints made from negatives which will degrade over time.
ARTographer Ric Wallace has gotten to know many more CROWS in the lower mainland of BC. The CROWS also remember he and his wife like to frequently walk the promenade and the streets of White Rock / South Surrey.
As a joke Ric Wallace created a birthday card featuring White Rock Beach CROWS and a version with just the bird to sell at his tent he sets up at White Rock Beach – see and
Above was my 2016 setup – one tent & 5 tables. Below was 2017 with 2 tents and 5 tables.
Happy Birthday – From One Old Crow To Another! Even old CROWS like the famous White Rock Beach in British Columbia, CANADA.
There is almost never a day goes by when he does not sell at least one of these cards when set up at the beach. Because people see the card and stop to talk about their experiences and love of these birds, the need for was registered to produce a whole line of CROW products.